Where We Stand

Our Beginning

The Write Group was founded about 40 years ago, in 1984. Our co-founder, Carol Livingstone, describes our origin like this:

Paula Hallett (think that’s spelled right) and I started the group – I can’t even remember how we met, likely she was a library user and I was a library clerk. Paula was rural, she had horses, I think, and did some business or commercial writing – don’t quote me on that. Outside of the group we didn’t socialize. Our purpose was to enjoy the company of other writers, share and learn, encourage and stimulate one another, same as it is today I imagine. I put an ad in the Merc and we ended up with a nice group of about seven regulars – don’t ask me to recall all their names..

Our Location

We are based in the parkland farming region of Tofield, Alberta, Canada, at the edge of a UNESCO moraine knob-and-kettle landscape and a RAMSAR prehistoric pan-lake (more information), where “mountain glaciers from the west met continental ice-sheets from the east” during the last world glaciation..

Our Philosophy

View our philosophy on its own page..

Our Credo

Our credo is: Writers sharing and talking about writing. This is also our slogan and the inspiration for the splash animation on our homepage.

This credo reflects the three activities at the center of our group:

  • storymaking, storytelling and listening;
  • discussing each other’s writing; and
  • discussing topics and techniques of the writing craft.

We love talking writing and sharing stories with fellow local writers. .

Our Vision

We envision a community of writers who enjoy stories, engage in writing, improve in skills, delight in the company of writers, develop friendships, support and advise each other and feel that they gain from, contribute to and belong to a vibrant, responsive and interested community that strives to fulfil its mission and credo to share and talk about writing..

Our Mission

Our mission is to write, share, discuss, critique, support, play, develop friendships and have fun to the betterment, enjoyment and publication of our members..

Our Slogan

Our slogan is: Writers sharing and talking about writing.

This slogan is also our credo..

Our Logo

Our base logo consists of The Write Group‘s title in Bradley Hand ITC centred in a circumcircle. Two derivatives of this logo have a feather-quill and Tofield, Alberta in allcaps bold Arial wrapped around the circle, the first arranged in an equilateral triangle, the second arranged in 135°-pitched opposite arcs.

base TWGlogo triangular TWGlogo opposite TWGlogo


Our Letterhead Logo

We also have a letterhead logo. Our current letterhead consists of The Write Group‘s title in bold Bradley Hand ITC, a secondary-feather quill swooping off our title to the right, our base logo to the left and our slogan in bold Sylfaen under our title.

The Write Group letterhead 

This letterhead was generated through a contest in our group. You can see our original letterhead, the candidates for the contest and the stories behind them on our Logo Contest page..

Our Footprint

Our digital footprint spans the World. We have networked with writers, writing circles, agents, editors and publishers in several countries and shared several resources with our PWN (personal writing network)..

Contact Us

We can be contacted by e-mailing tofieldwriters at gmail dot com. We also have a Twitter account you can contact us through.

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