
Newsletter: 13/3/2: Write Group Meeting and Figment Prompts for Feb 18 — Mar 1

Hi everyone,

Once again another month has come. I hope you found some time to be creative and write. Our next meeting is this week on Wednesday, March 6. I hope you can make it and look forward to meeting you there.

You may have noticed I missed last week’s e-mail. I just finished two University courses and was in the middle of exam and final assignment week. So today I have nine Figment prompts for you. I have no idea what happened to the February 18 prompt. Occasionally, Figment drops a prompt. Perhaps they too were busy. I’m going to let the prompts introduce themselves as I am a bit tired. Some sound interesting. Enjoy.

What an interesting photo to end this run of prompts with. I hope the prompts inspire you.

Keep writing, and remember our meeting on Wednesday,

Att: Feb 19 — Mar 1, 2013 Figments